Benefits for Delta Dental
Question: What would be my dental benefits if I got your Delta Dental plan? I have been looking at all your dental plan choices for zip code 90502 and I see you have Delta dental which is a insurance company I at least heard of. Can you tell me some of the plan benefits? I see that they have plans that run around $40-$60 a month but now sure what the difference is between them since the coverage’s look the same to me.
Reply: Sounds like you are reviewing the Delta Dental PPO’s options we provide. There are differences between their PPO plans, mostly dealing with the yearly max limitation you want per person. You will note that they range from $1000, $1500 to $2000. Other differences is in the co-pay percentage for first and second year coverage’s. Make sure to click on each plans review plan detail link provided to review benefits. Also please call our member services if you should have any questions at 310-534-3444 as we be happy to help you.