Online Dental Insurance, Periodontal (Gum) Disease
What is Periodontal Disease? Periodontal disease is caused by bacteria (plaque) left behind by food that affects the tissue (gum) that surrounds and support your teeth. Plaque, the white/yellowish sticky film that covers your teeth. Over time this plaque hardens into calculus also called tartar, which is only removed by the dentist or hygienist.
It is important to understand bacteria can still be forming under the calculus because toothbrush cannot keep below the gums clean. As a result, the bacteria are infecting your gums. Your body is trying to fight off this harmful infection, but if the plaque is not removed by a dental professional it is a losing battle. If this condition continues to go untreated you will start to lose bone that hold your teeth in place. So what happens when there is few or no bone to hold a tooth in place? It can fall out.