Online Dental Insurance, Dental Extractions.
Dental Extractions: Pulling a tooth (With the exception of a wisdom tooth) generally this happens when decay has entered the tooth and cause significant loss to the structure of the entire tooth or your tooth has broken off to a point where it can not be saved by a root canal and crown work.
Note: Most dentist will always try and save your natural tooth before having to pull it, because taking your natural tooth out which will cause a gap between your teeth. Depending where the gap is, either in the smile zone or in the back where no one can see, it will affect many different actions that could occur, such as teeth shifting, your speech, smiling, & most importantly how you eat.
Wisdom teeth will some times get pulled for addition reason such as over crowing your other teeth. Sometimes Wisdom teeth can be come impacted causing oral pain, other times they are removed if you are going in or out of braces so that they do not cause problems with the braces treatment or mess up the job done by braces. Though even with Wisdom Teeth dentist are not out to just pull these teeth unless they feel they will cause problems with your current teeth