Online Dental Insurance, Knowing the signs and symptoms of Gingivitis.
Knowing the signs of gingivitis is important for preventive dental care. Some of the classic signs and symptoms of gingivitis would include swollen and red gums, gums that are tender or sore, gums that bleed when brushing your teeth.
Other larger signs of gum disease would be: Receding gums or gums pulled away from your teeth. Gum disease can cause pockets to form between your teeth and gums. When this happens plaque and ford debris can collect in these pockets.
If you have any of these signs or the starting of this signs go to your dentist. A dentist can confirm and treat any gums and teeth issues. Preventive gum disease is easy done by brushing your teeth twice a day, flossing daily and regular visits to your dentist for check ups and cleanings.