Online Dental Insurance, Extensive Dental Care Needed
Question: I am 19 year old with no dental insurance and I was just told by my dentist that I have ten cavities and that three of them may need to have a root canal done. He will not be sure until he remove the decay. I am scared to have this much dental work and not sure if I should have it done. Also cost is a large fact since in order to pay for my dental care I would have to use all of my savings.
Answer: If you are scared that your dentist is advising dental work that is not needed then the best thing to do would be to get a second opinion. However whether it is one cavity or ten you are dealing with putting off your dental care is not advised. Decay will only continue and cause further damage to your dental and oral health.
I can understand that cost is a large factor, therefore I would advise you buying a low cost dental HMO insurance plan before starting your dental care treatments. Having a dental HMO insurance plan in place will help to make your dental care much more affordable. Also talk to your dentist, address what is needed right away then schedule out what the rest in a time frame that you can handle this will also make paying for your dental care easier.