ADA, 25 and Still going strong
In 1987, the ADA established the New Dentist Conference on the idea that dentists starting out in practice could benefit from leadership development and education tailored specifically to their unique needs.
In 1987, the ADA established the New Dentist Conference on the idea that dentists starting out in practice could benefit from leadership development and education tailored specifically to their unique needs. Twenty-five years later, it’s still getting the job done.
More than 325 attended the ADA 25th New Dentist Conference in Chicago June 16-18, a networking and CE event for dentists in practice for less than 10 years. It’s an all-inclusive conference that is planned and put on by the 17 members of the ADA New Dentist Committee. A full day of pre-conference leadership programming encourages information sharing among new dentist volunteers across the country, and helps those who want to get more involved do so.