How can you learn to stop clenching your teeth
Question: I have this habit of clenching my teeth. I do not grind but I catch myself clenching them all the time. What can I do to stop?
Answer: Stress is believed to be the major cause of Bruxism. If you clench your teeth while you sleep make sure to wear a night guard for your teeth. These can normally be bought at a drug store of made by your dentist to custom fit your mouth.
Another tips:
You can exercise your body with will help to relive tension and stress that may be causing your teeth clenching.
Daytime clenchers: Thing of ways to remind yourself not to clench. Such as you can you can put a rubber-band on your wrist, string on your finger whatever will help to remind you to keep your jaw relaxed.
Massage: Massage is great in reliving tension in your body so try to gently massage your jaw muscles.
Some do not’s: Do not chew on gum, popcorn, candy and other chewy foods that give your jaw a workout.